Free relaxing massage course: Discover the secrets of relaxing massages

Relaxing massages are a therapeutic technique that consists of applying pressure, friction and gentle movements on the surface of the body, in order to relieve stress, muscle tension, pain and improve physical and mental well-being. 

Relaxing massages can be performed with your hands, fingers, elbows, knees or with instruments such as hot stones, essential oils, candles or rollers.

The Edutin Academy relaxing massage course is an online educational program that teaches you the theoretical and practical foundations of this ancient technique, as well as its benefits, contraindications, types and protocols. 

The course is aimed at anyone who wants to learn how to give and receive relaxing massages, whether for personal or professional reasons.

What will you learn in the Edutin Academy relaxing massages course?

The Edutin Academy relaxing massage course lasts 20 hours and is divided into four modules:

  • Module 1: Introduction to relaxing massages. In this module you will learn what relaxing massages are, what their objectives, benefits and indications are, as well as the precautions and contraindications that you should take into account before performing them.
  • Module 2: Anatomy and physiology applied to relaxing massages. In this module you will review the basic concepts of human anatomy and physiology, especially those related to the muscular system, nervous system, and circulatory system. You will also know the main pressure points and reflex zones that are used in relaxing massages.
  • Module 3: Techniques and maneuvers of relaxing massages. In this module you will learn the most common techniques and maneuvers used in relaxing massages, such as kneading, rubbing, sliding, percussion, vibration and stretching. You will also see how to combine them depending on the area of ​​the body you want to work on and the effect you want to achieve.
  • Module 4: Types and protocols of relaxing massages. In this module you will learn about the different types of relaxing massages that exist, such as Swedish massage, Thai massage, shiatsu massage, Ayurvedic massage, hot stone massage, aromatherapy massage, candle massage or bamboo massage. . You will also learn how to perform a basic relaxing massage protocol step by step, from preparing the environment to completing the service.

What advantages does the Edutin Academy relaxing massage course have?

The Edutin Academy relaxing massage course has several advantages that make it an ideal option to learn this technique:

  • It is a free course and accessible to everyone. You do not need to have any prerequisites or pay any tuition to enroll in the course. You only need to have an internet connection and an electronic device to access the content.
  • It is a flexible and self-taught course. You can study at your own pace and from wherever you want, without schedules or deadlines. You decide when to start and finish the course, depending on your availability and your interests.
  • It is an interactive and dynamic course. The course has explanatory videos, complementary readings, practical exercises, formative evaluations and discussion forums to facilitate your learning and motivation. Additionally, you can contact the teacher or other students to resolve your doubts or share your experiences.
  • It is a certified and recognized course. At the end of the course you will be able to obtain a digital certificate that certifies your knowledge and skills in relaxing massages. This certificate has international validity and can be very useful for your personal and professional development.

How to enroll in the Edutin Academy relaxing massages course?

If you want to enroll in the Edutin Academy relaxing massages course, you just have to follow these steps:

  • Log on to the Edutin Academy website:
  • Look for the relaxing massage course in the search engine or in the health and well-being category.
  • Click the “Sign up” button and create an account or log in with your email or your preferred social network.
  • Enjoy the course and learn to give and receive relaxing massages.

Don’t wait any longer and take advantage of this opportunity to learn a technique that will help you improve your quality of life and that of others! Sign up now for the Edutin Academy relaxing massages course!

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